Monday, 13 February 2012

The Solayme Internet Diaries 1 - **/**/2012

Dear Diary,

David P. has been on the phone all day. Funny, but I keep hearing clicks and whirrings whenever I use the phone. Note to see Dr Rachenbaumer.

Advised David P. for the final time to issue a qualified apology. That dumb schmuck, he gave far too much away for such a trivial issue.

Meanwhile, that cafe-assed motherfucker Steve has banned me. THAT TOTAL FUCK! WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK? THAT FUCKING ASS-FUCKING FUCK-THE-ROYAL ASS-FUCK!

I mean, if these guys were at all civilised and didn't resort to vicious words, then we could all get along.

Oh, yeah, and that total shit-wipe Richie Goddam Kaufman went and killed yet more evidence. That lousy fricking hood. Luckily he's too stupid to notice my subtle plan.



  1. It is shocking and appalling for such a legend in magic to be banned from anywhere at anytime.

    But Barry, you need to stop fanning the flames over the WPR issue, stop reminding everyone of the terrible bullying of Wayne Dobson. People should be allowed to forgive David Penn for his unspeakable and unforgivable actions.

  2. Yes it is appalling, Jamie, shocking and appalling.

    And for the record, David Penn is my protege, and we speak on the phone most every day. He doesn't think much of you, Jamie McTurdson, and what is more WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE YOU SCOTCH FUCK!


  3. I think this situation calls for a skilled diplomat, such as myself, to add some gentle humor. Pouring whimsical oil on troubled waters.


  4. No, FrenchDrip, it does not. Now fuck off.

